Genealogy and Local History in Logan County, Ohio
Queries, Surnames, and Researchers

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Queries and surname registers provide a way for genealogy and local history researchers to contact others to exchange research information of mutual interest. Queries usually contain a specific research question about an individual, family, or topic and normally indicate what information the researcher would like to find. Surname registers simply list the family names in which the researcher is interested.

Queries have been routinely included in printed genealogical magazines and newsletters for many years. Often genealogical societies publish listings of surnames which their members are researching. Sometimes these societies have issued special surname register publications while at other times members' surname interests are listed in a section of the society's newsletter. The same approach to maintaining queries and surnames lists are now followed on many genealogical websites. You can view and place queries concerning Logan County families as well as view and add surnames concerning Logan County families on surname registration pages.


You can place queries concerning Logan County families you are researching on one of the commercial message boards listed below.

Surnames and Researchers

You can register the surnames of Logan families you are researching so that others can contact you to exchange information. This register will be maintained at this web site indefinitely.

Other Sources

There are many other query and surname registration sites on the internet which may be useful in researching Logan County families. Some sites are national or international in scope, some include pages or boards for specific geographic areas or particular surnames. The following is a selected list of useful sites.

Related Pages

Surname and researcher pages managed by CCHelper, an application written by Patty Lindsay